Kalakand is a delicious Indian sweet that is made with thickened milk, sugar, and some dry fruits.

It gives a joyful taste that lasts for the whole day.

Our simple Kalakand recipe is more than just a treat. It takes very little time to get ready but has enough potential to end your carving.

About Kalakand and Its Origin

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Kalakand is a tasty Indian sweet primarily made with milk and sugar. People also put nuts like almonds or pistachios on top to make it even more delicious.

Kalakand originated from Alwar, Rajasthan, and people believe Baba Thakur Das & Sons invented this treat in 1947.

Making Kalakand is a bit like magic. First, they cook the milk until it becomes thick and grainy. Then, they add sugar to make it sweet.

After that, they shape it into squares or diamonds, like a puzzle!

Some people make it even more special by adding saffron or rose water to give it a yummy smell.

How to Make Kalakand? Recipe

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Making Kalakand is like creating a magical sweet dish in your kitchen. Here is a simple recipe for you to enjoy this yummy treat:


  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder
  • A handful of chopped nuts (like almonds or pistachios)


1. Pour the milk into a big pot and heat it on the stove until it becomes thick and a bit grainy. Stir it often to make sure it doesn’t stick.

2. Add the sugar to the thickened milk and keep stirring. Let it cook until the mixture gets even thicker. This will make it super sweet!

3. Sprinkle the cardamom powder into the mix. It gives Kalakand a special flavor, like magic!

4. Now, pour this delicious mixture into a tray and spread it evenly. Let it cool down a bit.

5. Once it’s cooled, cut it into squares or any fun shapes you like. Sprinkle the chopped nuts on top for an extra crunch.

6. Your homemade Kalakand is ready to enjoy! Share it with your family and friends during celebrations or as a sweet surprise.

Now you’ve created your own Kalakand magic! Enjoy every tasty bite.

What Does Kalakand Taste Like?

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Kalakand is a yummy treat that tastes creamy and a little sweet.

It is made with milk and sugar, and the milk turns into something called chenna, which gives Kalakand a bit of a grainy but smooth feel.

The sugar makes it sweet, but not too much, so you can still taste the milk’s natural sweetness.

Sometimes, people add cardamom powder to make it smell nice and taste even better. And if they use nuts on top, it adds a nutty and crunchy part to the treat.

To put it simply, Kalakand is a tasty sweet with a mix of creamy, grainy, and sweet feelings.

Is Eating Kalakand Good for Health?

Eating Kalakand is like having a sweet adventure, but remember, too much can be not-so-good for your health.

Kalakand is made from milk, which is cool because it gives your body some strong stuff like calcium and protein.

But, there is a bit of sugar hiding in it, and that means it has lots of calories that might not be great for your teeth if you eat too much.

If you, really like Kalakand, it is better to save it for special times, not every single day.

The best way to keep your body happy and super strong is to eat all kinds of different foods.

So, enjoy Kalakand sometimes, but don’t forget to munch on lots of fruits, veggies, and other good stuff too.

Can We Eat Kalakand in Diet?

Kalakand is not recommended to eat during your diet because it is typically not considered a low-calorie or low-sugar food.

It is made with full-fat milk and sugar, which contribute to its rich and sweet taste.

As such, if you are following a strict diet plan focused on reducing sugar or calorie intake, it’s advisable to consume Kalakand in moderation.

However, moderation is key in any balanced diet.

If you are looking to enjoy Kalakand while being mindful of your diet, you can consider the following tips:

  • Portion Control: Limit the quantity of Kalakand you consume in one serving to manage your calorie intake.
  • Balanced Consumption: Enjoy Kalakand as an occasional treat rather than a daily indulgence.
  • Healthier Alternatives: Consider making or purchasing Kalakand with reduced sugar or using sugar substitutes for a lighter version.
  • Accompany with Healthy Choices: Pair Kalakand with fresh fruits or nuts to add nutritional value to your snack.

More Article: 25 Homemade Khoa Based Sweets

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many calories are in 1 piece of Kalakand?

A. The exact number of calories in one piece of Kalakand varied between 150-200 calories. The calorie content may differ based on specific ingredients and preparation methods.

Q. What are the health benefits of Kalakand sweet?

A. Some potential health benefits include the calcium and protein from the milk used to make it. However, due to its sugar and calorie content, it is not considered a healthy food.

Q. Is kalakand the same as milk cake?

A. No, Kalakand and milk cake are not the same, although they share some similarities.

Q. What is kalakand made of?

A. Kalakand is primarily made of full-fat milk and sugar. The milk is curdled to obtain chenna, which is then cooked with sugar until it thickens and forms a solid, yet slightly grainy consistency.

Kalakand: Origin, Taste, and Recipe With Milk


  • 1 liter of milk

  • 1 cup of sugar

  • 1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder

  • A handful of chopped nuts


  • Pour the milk into a big pot and heat it on the stove until it becomes thick and a bit grainy. Stir it often to make sure it doesn’t stick.
  • Add the sugar to the thickened milk and keep stirring. Let it cook until the mixture gets even thicker. This will make it super sweet!
  • Sprinkle the cardamom powder into the mix. It gives Kalakand a special flavor, like magic!
  • Now, pour this delicious mixture into a tray and spread it evenly. Let it cool down a bit.
  • Once it’s cooled, cut it into squares or any fun shapes you like. Sprinkle the chopped nuts on top for an extra crunch.
  • Your homemade Kalakand is ready to enjoy! Share it with your family and friends during celebrations or as a sweet surprise.

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