What Country Has Dessert Before Dinner? This debate has been going on for a long time. Humans come from a variety of cultural backgrounds, and this influences our tastes in food and how we eat. Dessert is traditionally served before the main course in some cultures while it is traditionally eaten after dinner in others.

This article will examine which nation serves dessert before dinner and the origins of this unusual culinary custom.

The Country that Has Dessert Before Dinner

What country has desserts before dinner
What country has desserts before dinner

Italy is a country known for its unique dining habits including the tradition of serving dessert before dinner.

Italians call this pre-dinner dessert “aperitivo,” and it is a way to whet the appetite and stimulate the senses before the main meal.

Dessert Before Dinner Meaning

Dessert before dinner refers to the practice of eating a sweet dessert before the main course of a meal.

This culinary tradition is not as common in many cultures as it is in others, but it has been practiced in some regions for many years. The idea behind eating dessert before dinner is that it can stimulate the appetite and help balance blood sugar levels.

Eating something sweet before the main course can help increase the excitement and enjoyment of the meal. While dessert before dinner is not a practice that is embraced by all cultures, it can be a way to satisfy a sweet tooth without overindulging later in the meal.

History and Origin of the Tradition

The tradition of serving aperitivo before dinner has its roots in ancient Rome. Romans would often drink a sweet wine before eating to stimulate their appetite and aid in digestion.

This practice was later adopted by wealthy Italians during the Renaissance, who would serve sweet liqueurs and small snacks before the main meal.

Over time, the tradition of aperitivo evolved to include a wide range of sweet and savory snacks, along with cocktails and other drinks.

Today, aperitivo is a popular social activity in Italy, with many bars and restaurants offering special aperitivo menus and deals.

Is it better to eat dessert before or after a meal

The debate on whether it’s better to eat dessert before or after a meal has been going on for a long time. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and cultural traditions.

In some cultures, like French, it is customary to eat dessert before the main course, while in others, it’s the opposite. There are arguments for both sides.

Eating dessert before the main course can help stimulate the appetite, making you more likely to enjoy your meal. Additionally, Eating dessert before dinner helps you avoid overeating because you start feeling full.

On the other hand, Eating dessert after a meal is better for digestion. This is because the enzymes responsible for breaking down carbohydrates are released before those responsible for breaking down proteins.

Eating dessert after a meal can also help slow down the absorption of sugar, preventing a spike in blood sugar levels.

Ultimately, the best time to eat dessert depends on your personal preferences and goals. If you’re trying to watch your sugar intake or manage your blood sugar levels, eating dessert after a meal may be the better choice.

However, if you’re looking to satisfy a sweet tooth or want to try out a cultural tradition like dessert before dinner, then go for it!

Why you should eat dessert before dinner

Eating dessert before dinner is a culinary tradition that has been practiced in certain cultures. While it may seem counterintuitive, there are several reasons why eating dessert before dinner could be a good idea.

  1. One reason is that eating something sweet before your meal can stimulate your appetite and make you more excited about the upcoming meal.
  2. Eating a sweet dessert before dinner can help balance your blood sugar levels. When you eat a meal, your body breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, which raises your blood sugar levels. Eating a dessert before dinner that contains some protein and healthy fats can help stabilize your blood sugar levels, preventing a rapid spike and crash.
  3.  It can help satisfy your cravings and prevent overeating later. If you’re someone who tends to crave something sweet after a meal, eating dessert beforehand can help curb those cravings and prevent you from overindulging later.
  4. It’s important to choose desserts that are low in added sugar and high in protein and healthy fats, like Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and nuts, a small piece of dark chocolate, or a homemade protein bar.

Is it OK to eat dessert first?

Eating dessert first can be okay in certain situations, but it’s important to consider your overall health and dietary needs.

If you’re attending a special occasion or celebration where you know you’ll be indulging in a sweet treat, it may be okay to enjoy dessert first.

This can help you satisfy your sweet tooth without feeling guilty or overindulging later in the meal.

Eating dessert first can also be helpful if you’re dealing with blood sugar imbalances or insulin resistance.

Eating a dessert that contains some protein and healthy fats before your meal can help stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent a rapid spike in glucose.

However, it’s important to note that regularly indulging in high-sugar desserts before your meals can have negative consequences for your health.

Eating a dessert that’s high in added sugars and lacking in nutrients can lead to blood sugar imbalances, weight gain, and other health issues.

It’s okay to eat dessert first in certain situations or if you’re making a conscious effort to balance your blood sugar levels.

However, it’s important to choose desserts that are lower in added sugars and high in nutrients to support your overall health and well-being.

Do French eat dessert before dinner?

In general, the French do not eat dessert before dinner. Instead, dessert is typically served after the main course and is considered a separate course of the meal.

In French culture, the main course is seen as the most important part of the meal, with dessert serving as a sweet finale.

However, it’s worth noting that individual preferences and traditions may vary. Some French households may have their own unique traditions or ways of serving meals that deviate from the norm.

The idea that Germans eat dessert before dinner likely stems from a cultural misunderstanding. In some regions of Germany, it is common to have Kaffee und Kuchen (coffee and cake) in the late afternoon as a small meal or snack. This tradition, which is similar to British afternoon tea, has been mistakenly perceived as Germans eating dessert before dinner.

When it comes to desserts, Germans enjoy a wide range of sweet treats. Some of the most popular desserts include Black Forest Cake, Apple Strudel, and Pfeffernüsse, which are spicy gingerbread cookies. Germans also enjoy a variety of pastries and cakes, often accompanied by coffee in the afternoon.

A buffet-style approach to breakfast with a variety of options like fruit, muffins, bagels, cereal, bread, sausages, eggs, croissants, pastries, and yogurt. But there’s more to eating dessert first according to research


Many countries consume sweets before dinner while others consume sweets after dinner. There is no fault in either culture, but it depends on the beliefs of the people and the origin of the cuisine of the country.

While the practice of eating dessert before dinner may seem unorthodox to some, it is a beloved tradition in Italy with a long and rich history. It is up to you how you wish to enjoy the dessert.


1. Is it unhealthy to eat dessert before dinner?

While indulging in pre-dinner sweets can have some potential health drawbacks, such as contributing to weight gain, enjoying a small sweet snack before a meal can help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent overeating later on.

2. Why do Italians eat dessert before dinner?

The tradition of eating dessert before dinner, known as aperitivo, has its roots in Italian history and culture. It is believed to have originated as a way to stimulate the appetite and promote digestion.

3. What are some popular Italian desserts?

There are many delicious Italian desserts to choose from, including tiramisu, cannoli, panna cotta, and gelato, among others.

4. Is aperitivo only practiced in Italy?

While the tradition of aperitivo is most closely associated with Italy, it is also practiced in other countries, such as Spain and France.

5. Are there any health benefits to aperitivo?

Enjoying aperitivo in moderation can have some potential health benefits, such as regulating blood sugar levels and promoting mental well-being through socialization.

However, it is important to choose lighter, healthier options whenever possible.

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