For thousands of years, desserts have been a significant part of human culture. They are frequently associated with celebrations and special occasions and are typically served after meals.

Cakes, pies, pastries, ice cream, and other sweet treats are examples of desserts.

However, have you ever wondered what the world’s oldest desert is? To answer this intriguing question, we will examine the history of desserts in this article.

What is a Dessert?

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Before we delve into the topic, let’s define what a dessert is. A dessert is a sweet dish that is usually served after a meal.

It can be made from various ingredients, such as fruits, sugar, milk, cream, and chocolate, to name a few.

Desserts can be baked or frozen, and they can be simple or elaborate.

What is the Oldest Dessert in the World?

ashure dessert

Ashure is considered to be the oldest desert in the world, with a history dating back thousands of years. Also known as Noah’s pudding, it is believed to have been created by Noah himself after the flood.

According to the story, Noah mixed together the last remaining ingredients he had on his ark to create a sweet and hearty dish that would nourish his family and the animals.

Ashure is traditionally made with a combination of grains, legumes, dried fruits, and nuts, and sweetened with sugar or honey.

It is typically served cold and is often shared with friends and family during religious and cultural celebrations.

As a dessert that has been passed down through generations, Ashure holds a special place in many cultures and is a testament to the enduring appeal of sweet treats.

Importance of Knowing the Oldest Dessert in the World

Knowing the oldest dessert in the world can give us insights into the culinary history of our ancestors.

It can also help us understand how desserts evolved over time and how they became an integral part of our culture.

Moreover, it can be fascinating to learn about the ingredients, preparation, and significance of the oldest dessert.

Ancient Desserts

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Ancient desserts offer a fascinating glimpse into the history and culture of different societies.

From the sweet and creamy rice pudding of India to the honey-soaked baklava of the Middle East, each dessert has a unique story to tell.

A. Mesopotamian Desserts

The Mesopotamians, who lived in what is now Iraq, are believed to have been the first people to make desserts.

They made sweetened cakes and pastries using honey and dried fruits. One of their most popular desserts was called “honey cake,” which was made from flour, honey, and dates.

B. Egyptian Desserts

The ancient Egyptians also had a sweet tooth and were known to make desserts using honey and fruits.

They used a lot of spices in their desserts, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg. One of their most famous desserts was “senet,” which was made from bread, honey, and figs.

C. Greek and Roman Desserts

The ancient Greeks and Romans also enjoyed desserts, which they usually served at the end of a meal. They made sweetened cakes and pastries using honey and fruits, and they also used cheese in their desserts.

One of the most famous Roman desserts was “placenta,” which was made from layers of dough, cheese, and honey.

Evolution of Desserts

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The evolution of desserts can be traced back thousands of years, as different societies developed their own sweet treats using local ingredients and cooking techniques.

From the simple fruit and honey desserts of ancient times to the elaborate cakes and pastries of modern cuisine, desserts have come a long way.

A. Medieval Europe

During the Middle Ages, desserts became more elaborate and were often served at banquets and feasts. Sweet pies and tarts were popular, and sugar was used more frequently as a sweetener.

One of the most famous medieval desserts was “custard,” which was made from cream, eggs, and sugar.

B. Renaissance Period

In the Renaissance period, desserts became even more elaborate and were considered works of art.

Pastry chefs created intricate designs using pastry, and desserts were often served with elaborate sugar sculptures.

Some of the most famous Renaissance desserts include “tiramisu,” which is a coffee-flavored Italian dessert, and “crème brûlée,” which is a French dessert made from cream and caramelized sugar.

C. Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution brought about many changes in the way desserts were made. New inventions, such as the refrigerator and the ice cream maker, made it easier to make frozen desserts.

The availability of new ingredients, such as chocolate and vanilla, also led to the creation of new dessert recipes.

Some of the most popular desserts during this time included ice cream, pudding, and chocolate cake.

The Oldest Dessert in the World

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The oldest dessert in the world is believed to be Ashure, a sweet and hearty pudding that dates back thousands of years.

With a fascinating history and a unique combination of ingredients, Ashure continues to be a beloved dessert in many cultures.

A. Evidence of the Oldest Dessert

So, what is the oldest desert in the world? According to historians, the oldest known dessert is “keshmeshi,” which is a sweetened grape dessert that was first made in the Iranian city of Yazd more than 2,500 years ago.

This desert was discovered in 2001 by archaeologists who were excavating the ancient city of Persepolis.

B. Ingredients and Preparation

Keshmeshi is made from grapes that are boiled in water until they become soft and pulpy. The grape pulp is then mixed with wheat flour, cardamom, and saffron, and the mixture is boiled until it thickens.

The dessert is then topped with almonds and pistachios and is served cold.

C. Significance of the Oldest Dessert

Keshmeshi is not only the oldest known dessert in the world, but it also has cultural significance. It is a traditional dessert that is still enjoyed by people in Yazd and other parts of Iran.

It is often served at weddings and other celebrations and is considered a symbol of Iranian hospitality.


Desserts have been around for thousands of years, and they have evolved in many different ways.

The oldest desert in the world, keshmeshi, is a sweet grape dessert that was first made more than 2,500 years ago in Iran.

Knowing the history of desserts can give us insights into the culinary traditions of our ancestors and can help us appreciate the desserts we enjoy today.


Here are the major frequently asked questions (FAQs):

What is the oldest known dessert in the world?

The oldest known dessert in the world is keshmeshi, a sweet grape dessert that was first made in Iran more than 2,500 years ago.

When was the oldest dessert discovered?

The oldest dessert was discovered in 2001 by archaeologists who were excavating the ancient city of Persepolis in Iran.

What ingredients were used in the oldest dessert?

The oldest desert, keshmeshi, is made from grapes, wheat flour, cardamom, saffron, almonds, and pistachios.

Is the oldest dessert still available to taste today?

Yes, keshmeshi is still enjoyed by people in Iran today, and it is often served at weddings and other celebrations.

How did desserts evolve over time?

Desserts have evolved over time as new ingredients and cooking techniques were discovered.

They became more elaborate and were often served at banquets and feasts during the Middle Ages, and they became works of art during the Renaissance period.

The Industrial Revolution brought about many changes in the way desserts were made, and new inventions and ingredients led to the creation of new dessert recipes.

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